League Info


We have very active league play at Pine Crest and you are invited to sign up early in order to get into the league of your choice. All of our leagues operate independently of the club so you must contact the person running the league you are interested in.

Monday evening we have our Business Girls league organized by Joanne Richmond at (pmnlgl2020@gmail.com)  For 2025 this league will be using all 18 holes. They will start teeing off on the 1st tee as well as the 10th tee at 3:30PM

*Tuesday morning we have 2 Ladies Leagues: We have a 9 hole section which plays the back nine and starts at 8AM . This league runs from May until the end of September.  Contact Erin Bryan at 705-927-6155 or ebryan@nexicom.net

*The 18 hole section is organized by Mary Calvert @ calvert.mary1@gmail.com or705-742-3574. This league starts play at 8AM and runs from May until the end of September.

Tuesday evening we have a Mens 9 hole league. The contact for this league is Terry Ridyard at pinecresttml@gmail.com or 705-868-8167. For 2025 this league will be using all 18 holes. They will start teeing off on the 1st tee and the 10th tee at 4PM.


Wednesday ALL DAY LEAGUE ( 9 holes) 

We will do this again this year and hope to have more people sign up. Some misunderstood this as being a structured league, which it was not. You are placed on a team but you never have to play with your team mates. All you need to do is play 9 holes on Wednesday and hand your score in after.   All players scores will go towards your teams totals with weekly prizes for the top team. For 2025  we are going to run this league into September and the entry fee will be $40 for this year.  Plus the cost each week of $10  that goes  towards prizes, closest to pins etc each week.   Come in after your round and watch the scores being posted on the Bar TV.  See who's leading and who is moving up the leader board!! This league is scheduled to start the  first Week in June and run until mid September.

We will schedule in some FUN days for 2025. This is what your $40 entry fee goes towards as well as a closing day.

For more information give Bernie a call in the pro shop. 705-743-5953



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